The Builder

Learn how to create your own customized app? Digging into the Smartflow knowledge base will take you from zero to hero. In the knowledge base we will navigate you the whole builder so you know how much you can do with Smartflow.

Key components

There are three key components in the Smartflow builder: Forms, Datasets and Views.

A form is a digital representation of a document.

Know more about how to use forms to capture data from the end-users, or to display sufficient data.


Datasets are metadata to be used in forms.

Check how to display a list of items in a drop-down menu, a dynamic set of questions for an various checklist and so on…

A view presents forms in a pre-defined layout.

You can find out how to define the way forms are rendered here.

More features

Access rights - To grant access rights for different users or different roles gives users distinct permissions for their own responsibilities.